Victories are Short-lived
Images from Parable VII-II: Water process. Accionarar Residency, Anolaima, Colombia, 2015.
Imagenes de Parábola VII-II Procesos de agua. Residencia Accionarar, Anolaima, Colombia.
Exhibition at the Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast
23rd June - Sat 13th August 6:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Images Tzitzi Barrantes y Jessica Fairfax. Gallery images Simon Mills.
Victories are Short-lived
23rd June - Sat 13th August
6:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Milena Bonilla, Cecily Brennan and Elvira Santamaría-Torres
The fundamental premise of the exhibition Victories are Short-lived is to provoke discussion and reflection on both the psychological and phenomenological aftermath of conflict. The exhibition’s dynamic derives from the agency and potential simpatico relationship between the shared sense of nature’s fragility and resilience in each of the selected artworks and in each artist’s very distinct subject selection. Juxtaposition’s innate ability to provoke discussion and stimulate new narratives has been actively employed by Golden Thread Gallery over the years, as a means of both challenging and reflecting upon our understanding of recent history and our participation in its legacy.
The exhibition Victories are Short-lived brings together for the first time the work of Milena Bonilla, Cecily Brennan and Elvira Santamaría-Torres and encompasses drawing, installation, photography and video works. The Golden Thread Gallery would like to acknowledge the generous support of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Belfast City Council in the realisation of this exhibition. Our thanks to the artists Milena Bonilla, Cecily Brennan and Elvira Santamaría-Torres for their participation and their galleries mor charpentier, Paris and Taylor Galleries, Dublin, in assisting us in bringing this exhibition to fruition.Images Simon Mills.
25 de Agosto de 2016.
Behind our heads there´s the mirror of reflexion In the waters that separate and unit us,
I have found the whole of this story".
"A esta pieza la llamo 'Mascara mortuoria de agua', la cual sólo muestra mi impotencia frente a las tragedias de la humanidad. Ahora, la emigración masiva de Sirios y gente de otros países de oriente medio a Europa y a otros lugares. Esta es una tragedia- más- de toda la humanidad. No acepto muchas de las ideas que circulan en los medios y entre la "buena gente" sobre este asunto. Esto no debe estar pasando, así, categóricamente: No debe estar pasando.
En las aguas donde la gente muere
y detrás de nuestra cabeza
se refleja el rostro de nuestra humanidad
En las aguas que nos separan y nos unen,
he encontrado la totalidad de esta historia".
Elvira Santamaría.